Thursday, 6 August 2015

Almost a month since my last you thought I'd packed in and given up!

Sorry to disappoint but I'm still here.  Been away for some holiday time with the family, work is also piling up and will continue pretty much as is until mid September when it'll either slacken off or I will :)

I took a couple of weeks away from Solitude to try and get more solo PVP experience (I even won a prize!) but only ended up getting one solo kill for 12 deaths!  Still plenty to learn there.

In other news I have now proved myself enough to the Gallente Federation Customs L3 agent (running her missions in my trusty Vexor) that she's passed me along to her L4 friend.  I'll need lots more training and a much bigger ship before I can safely handle those missions solo, so for now I'll move onto L3 missions with Federation Intelligence.

I came back from holiday to see I'd finished training Gallente Frigate 5, I'm just rounding off some support skills before moving into Covert Ops and Interceptors, then start training for some bigger ships (see above).

In other news, both alts are making nice passive profit from PI, involving only a few minutes work per week.  Alt #2 has now stopped training (trained decent PI skills plus blockade runner).  Alt#1 is currently training for an Orca.

Fly casual,
