Sunday, 1 November 2015

Movember - Day 1

For the month of Movember I'll be having another go at focusing on solo PvP, as well as sporting a handsome 'tache to do my bit for raising awareness of Men's Health issues.

During the month, I shall be blogging about my exploits here and for every successful kill I'll be donating £3 to Movember (I had 3 kills on my killboard at the start of this month).

All of my ships will be named after Queen / Freddie Mercury songs

Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the release of Bohemian Rhapsody, so it only seemed fitting that my first foray was so named.

Suffice to say, it blew my cobwebs off and got my blood pounding...I landed on top of a fairly new character flying a Catalyst in my Merlin.  He promptly warped off whilst I  exiting warp, to be replaced by a Kiting Atron.

I never landed a shot, but I was quite pleased with managing my ASB, even surviving through the reload cycle.  I managed to get out of scram range briefly, but I was too slow on the warp button so I eventually died.

Second ship was fitted up and I took my incursus, newly re-christened as "It's a Hard Life" and headed off up towards Arnon.  A few jumps in there's a lone guy in system, I scan him down to a FW mission, so prepperd my modules and headed in.  He must not have been paying attention as I landed about 50K away and lit my burners to get to him, expecting him to warp out any second.

He eventually woke up and engaged me when he was about half armour, but it was too little, too late.

I dropped a "gf" in local, but didn't get a reply.

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